
Mastering Travel with a Slower Companion and the Humorous Insights on Leadership and Personal Growth

Author: André L. Belleville



As a seasoned executive and management coach, I've learned that success often lies in the art of clever positioning, both in travel and in business. This brings me to the humorous, yet enlightening concept of always having someone slower than you during your travels and dives. But beware, this strategy takes a sharp turn when applied to the world of business leadership.


Humorous Scenarios

Let's embark on this journey of wit and wisdom, starting with the travel and diving scenario.

Imagine you're hiking through the Amazon rainforest or exploring the vast savannas of Africa. Here's where having a slower travel buddy becomes a tactical advantage. In the unlikely event of encountering a wild animal, your chances of becoming a human sprint champion skyrocket. The logic is simple: you don't have to outrun the lion. You just have to outrun your friend. I'm kidding, of course! I'm not advocating that you abandon your friends in the face of danger!


The underwater world presents similar scenarios. Picture yourself diving in the deep blue, surrounded by the majestic beauty of marine life. Here's where the small knife comes into play – not for any evil purposes, but as a humorous metaphor. If a curious shark decides to join the party, a gentle scratch on your buddy’s wetsuit (hypothetically, of course) could make them the more appealing target. Again, this is purely for laughs; in reality, diving with a buddy is about mutual safety and enjoyment.


Let’s toss the Perspective from Humorous to Real Life Business

Here, the rules of the game flip entirely. If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Surrounding yourself with people who are more intelligent and intellectually stronger is not only desirable but also fundamental for growth and success. In this context, being the "slowest" or "most appealing" means that you have the most room for improvement, development, and learning.

In diving, we might want the sharks to follow our buddy, but in business, we want the sharks—in the form of business challenges and intellectual debates—to circle us, as they keep our senses sharp, and our minds focused. We succeed not by being the smartest person in the room, but by constantly attempting to improve and utilizing the collective intelligence of our team.

This attitude aligns with the theory of a growth mindset. As a leader, your primary goal is to offer an environment where everyone, including yourself, is continuously learning and growing. By surrounding yourself with people who challenge you, you ensure a permanent state of growth. It's about being humble to acknowledge that there's always more to learn.



In the end, whether it's escaping hypothetical lions, cheekily avoiding sharks, or leading a high-performing team, the key is knowing your environment and adapting your strategy accordingly. In travel and diving, it's about speed and wits (humorously speaking), but in business, it's about wisdom and the relentless pursuit of growth. Remember, in the corporate jungle, the greatest leaders are those who are smart enough to be the "slowest" in the room, constantly learning from those around them.


If you are the smartest person in the room – change the room immediately!

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