Ref. 5437



In the industrial sector, our client, a traditional company with a success story of over 140 years, is one of the market leaders in its field. Embedded in an international structure, the Swiss organisation, part of an industrial group, enjoys a high degree of autonomy. The positive figures for the first half of 2020 (around >10% up on the previous year) reflect the operational resilience of the business model. We are filling this strategically important position as part of a succession plan for the long-serving current CIO.

How you can benefit from talking to us:

  • Salary comparison, current salary to market salary
  • Understanding your career options
  • Identification of development and promotion potential
  • 65% of candidates will be making a career move within the next 12 to 24 months

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Why is this role interesting for you?


Pragmatic environment

  • Your Benefit: You will work in an organisation that makes and implements decisions quickly.


C-level understanding of the importance of IT

  • Your Benefit: Senior management expects innovation and optimisation driven by IT and digitalisation.


High team motivation

  • Your Benefit: You'll inherit a highly motivated team that is cohesive and eager to take the next step in development with you.



  • Your Benefit: The strategy for the HANA transformation is currently being defined and a successful foundation has already been laid.


End-to-end responsibility

  • Your Benefit: As CIO, you'll be responsible for the entire lifecycle, from demand management, steering board and change advisory board (CAB) to implementation, operations and support, including IT in production (IOT).

Your main tasks and responsibilities

  • Defining and implementing the IT strategy, both as CIO and CDO
  • Simplification, standardisation and optimisation of value flow processes along standard enterprise application processes
  • Governance and compliance, CISO issues
  • PMO and release management
  • Preparation and implementation of the HANA transformation
  • Leading the SAP CCC


Our Requirements

  • Experience as CIO or Head of IT in a heterogeneous environment, with international headquarters, full P&L responsibility
  • Experience of leading an SAP CCC, HANA experience an advantage
  • Strong in stakeholder management and successful in developing and implementing IT strategies
  • Innovation through digitalisation of business processes, optimisation of value chains
  • Experience in demand management, CAB, steering committee and implementation as well as operational management of suppliers and on-premises operations
  • Transformation management of an IT organisation into a value-adding service organisation


Role and Supervisor

  • CIO
  • Supervisor: Executive Management Team Member


What you will bring

  • Experience of leading a local IT organisation with a budget of at least CHF 20 million, embedded in a global IT/HQ structure
  • Experience reporting to C-level executives
  • Leadership experience in both line and matrix structures, with at least 20 direct reports
  • Native German speaker, fluent in English; other national languages a plus


What sets you apart

  • A hands-on person with a high level of empathy and a strong service orientation
  • A "finisher", structured, assertive and experienced personality
  • Experienced leadership, participative, reliable, clear and "hands-on"
  • Able to communicate effectively at all levels, from front-line production staff to board members, demonstrating competence at all levels.A hands-on person with high empathy and a strong service mentality

Application & Contact

Mandate successfully completed.

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Recruitment Process

In an initial conversation, we will give you a detailed insight into the role, the company, the culture and your development opportunities.

After an initial conversation with the partner (headhunter), you will receive further information about the role and our client's expectations. If you are interested, please send us your documents. Wirz & Partners will draw up a longlist which will be discussed with the client. From this longlist, 4-6 candidates are selected for the shortlist.


Time until feedback: 2-3 weeks

If you make it to the shortlist, you will move on to the next round. During the interview with Wirz & Partners, we will get to know you professionally and personally. You will receive additional information about the client, the offering, the services, the team and the KPIs. Based on all interviews and documents, we prepare a complete dossier on you for the client, including an executive summary. These documents form the basis of the structured interview process with the client. We prepare you for the interview.


Duration until the interview with the client: Up to 2 weeks

The first meeting with the client is about getting to know each other on an equal footing, getting to know the people and the culture. This takes place in person at the client's location and usually lasts around an hour.

The second interview focuses on professional competencies and leadership issues. You will get to know the team, the strategy and the operational goals.

You will then receive a salary proposal and an overview of the overall offer.


Duration until feedback: 1-2 weeks

A de-briefing with you and the client takes place after the final meeting.

We help you negotiate the contract and clarify further details. The contract is drafted and we support the onboarding process with the client.


Duration until feedback: Up to 1 week

What sets us apart as a leading headhunter?




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years recognized as one of the best executive search firms in Switzerland