Ref. 6218

Head of Quality Management & Quality Assurance

Leiter/-in Qualitätsmanagement & Qualitätssicherung

Our client is a manufacturing SME with a long and successful history. The products are sold worldwide (mainly in Europe and the USA) both under their own brands and as private labels. The company is characterised by sustainability in production, expertise and customer proximity. Sustainability and recycling will become even more important in the future, and new business areas are being developed in the B2B industrial sector. As part of this strategic reorientation, the Head of QM & QS, who reports directly to the CEO, will work with the management team to address new regulations and certifications.

How you can benefit from talking to us:

  • Salary comparison, current salary to market salary
  • Understanding your career options
  • Identification of development and promotion potential
  • 65% of candidates will be making a career move within the next 12 to 24 months

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Leiter/-in Qualitätsmanagement & Qualitätssicherung

Why is this position interesting for you?


Innovation - entering new industries/sectors

  • Proprietary product development - creating the regulatory framework (new regulations/certifications) and development of new processes or production facilities.



  • Replace DMS, optimise and restructure IMS documents.


Sustainability - Writing a new chapter

  • Sustainability and recycling are in vogue and already an integral part of our clients' business strategy. You can be at the forefront.


Corporate culture

  • People, the environment and satisfied customers mean quality, reliability and corporate responsibility. Short decision paths in this SME.


Our client's position in the market

  • Established products with a long tradition
  • High customer loyalty
  • Competitive market where market share is gained through quality and sustainability
  • Target markets: B2C and B2B industries primarily in Europe and the USA, with Asia in the future

Role, function and supervisor

  • Role: Leiter/-in QM & QA
  • Supervisor: CEO

Main tasks and focus

  • Operational and strategic management of Quality Management and Quality Assurance
  • Implementation of new regulations/certifications
  • Continuous quality improvement through RCA/CAPA
  • Organisation/coordination of internal and external audits
  • Management of the crisis team
  • Management/coaching of a quality assurance employee (analytical laboratory)
  • Training on various topics such as QM/QA/safety/hygiene, etc.
  • Replacement of the existing DMS



  • Location: Eastern Switzerland / greater St. Gallen area
  • High degree of creative freedom


What sets you apart

  • High level of initiative and intrinsic motivation
  • Accurate and efficient
  • Consistent and respectful assertiveness
  • Solution-oriented
  • Entrepreneurial, proactive, able to persuade and inspire people
  • Interest in sustainability / circular economy
  • Languages: German/English, other languages an advantage


Application & Contact

Mandate successfully completed.

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Recruitment Process

In an initial conversation, we will give you a detailed insight into the role, the company, the culture and your development opportunities.

After an initial conversation with the partner (headhunter), you will receive further information about the role and our client's expectations. If you are interested, please send us your documents. Wirz & Partners will draw up a longlist which will be discussed with the client. From this longlist, 4-6 candidates are selected for the shortlist.


Time until feedback: 2-3 weeks

If you make it to the shortlist, you will move on to the next round. During the interview with Wirz & Partners, we will get to know you professionally and personally. You will receive additional information about the client, the offering, the services, the team and the KPIs. Based on all interviews and documents, we prepare a complete dossier on you for the client, including an executive summary. These documents form the basis of the structured interview process with the client. We prepare you for the interview.


Duration until the interview with the client: Up to 2 weeks

The first meeting with the client is about getting to know each other on an equal footing, getting to know the people and the culture. This takes place in person at the client's location and usually lasts around an hour.

The second interview focuses on professional competencies and leadership issues. You will get to know the team, the strategy and the operational goals.

You will then receive a salary proposal and an overview of the overall offer.


Duration until feedback: 1-2 weeks

A de-briefing with you and the client takes place after the final meeting.

We help you negotiate the contract and clarify further details. The contract is drafted and we support the onboarding process with the client.


Duration until feedback: Up to 1 week

What sets us apart as a leading headhunter?




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years recognized as one of the best executive search firms in Switzerland