Managing Director, Vice President, Geschäftsführer, CEO, Technology Practice

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Wirz & Partners is the leading headhunter in the fields of technology, digitalisation, fintech and life sciences. To expand our digitalisation practice, we are looking for partners specialising in: Fintech, Digital Banking, Digital Wealth Management and digitalisation in the banking sector in general. We are looking for senior professionals who have been successful in positions of responsibility over the last few years. Ideally, you will have experience in areas such as general management, sales management and product management with responsibility for revenue and margins. You will be familiar with the Swiss market, including end customers and the relevant partner ecosystem.

How you can benefit from talking to us:

  • Salary comparison, current salary to market salary
  • Understanding your career options
  • Identification of development and promotion potential
  • 65% of candidates will be making a career move within the next 12 to 24 months

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Why is this position interesting for you?

After several years in a corporate environment, you want to take the step into entrepreneurship. You have often considered working for yourself rather than for others. You have the determination to succeed, which you have demonstrated many times in the past. The next step should provide you with independence and autonomy within a structure where you can maximise your knowledge and relationships. Ideally, you will be able to spend your time with clients without having to deal with repetitive tasks, supported by a motivated back office and colleagues who constantly support each other.


Throughout your career, you have undoubtedly come into contact with headhunters and executive search firms. You may have asked yourself: Would this be an option for me to make the most of my network and move within the existing market? And you ask yourself: am I intellectual enough for such a task? Headhunting presents new challenges with each assignment. The triggers for recruiting new executives are diverse, including upcoming transformation processes, organisational challenges, ramp-ups, restructurings, M&A, venture deals, post-merger integration and digitalisation, among others.


On a personal level, it's not just about finding the right fit, it's about identifying the person who can successfully lead the organisation not only today, but also in the future.


With us, you are the point of contact for recruiting executives and specialists. As part of the recruitment process, using a cloud-based infrastructure and AI-driven metasearch engines, you are the first point of contact for the companies we recruit for.


You will work in a team of over 22 colleagues. The in-house identity and research team supports you in handling mandates, while the collegial exchange between partners generates leads and opportunities, resulting in additional revenue for you as an entrepreneur.

We offer you a successful partnership model, one of the most attractive in the industry, allowing you to take the step into entrepreneurship with minimal risk and a business model that has been successful for 10 years.


Our partnership model ensures a structured entry into the headhunting business within 2 years.


The Wirz & Partners partner model is based on the following principles: no corporate BS, no politics, no unnecessary reporting exercises, no ego-driven behaviour, no institutionalised power structures, no silo organisations.


We foster a culture of respect, peer-to-peer exchange, continuous knowledge and best practice transfer, where everyone helps everyone else. The culture demands and encourages personal responsibility and independence. Each partner is responsible for their own turnover and acts as an independent entrepreneur.


We have grown significantly organically in recent years. Five years ago we started to fully digitalise our business. Today, our clients and all our employees benefit from this digitalisation.


It is nothing new to have to evaluate a business case, such as entering into entrepreneurship as a headhunter, and weigh up the opportunities and risks. In doing so, you should have as few unknowns as possible about the key influencing factors.


If you don't want to sit in the sidecar of corporate arbitrariness any longer, if you want to invest your time with your costumers rather than in endless political battles, then talk to us. An important aspect of our corporate strategy is to improve the quality of life of each and every one of our employees. For us, this includes not only the ability to plan one's own life, but also fulfilment and enjoyment at work.


At a time when knowledge is increasingly important, you can invest all your knowledge, customer relationships and social skills in your own future with us.


The current economic situation and the increasing competition for talent are ideal conditions for headhunting.


German as a native language and at least 10 years of market experience in Switzerland are required.

Application & Contact

Mandate successfully completed.

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Recruitment Process

In an initial conversation, we will give you a detailed insight into the role, the company, the culture and your development opportunities.

After an initial conversation with the partner (headhunter), you will receive further information about the role and our client's expectations. If you are interested, please send us your documents. Wirz & Partners will draw up a longlist which will be discussed with the client. From this longlist, 4-6 candidates are selected for the shortlist.


Time until feedback: 2-3 weeks

If you make it to the shortlist, you will move on to the next round. During the interview with Wirz & Partners, we will get to know you professionally and personally. You will receive additional information about the client, the offering, the services, the team and the KPIs. Based on all interviews and documents, we prepare a complete dossier on you for the client, including an executive summary. These documents form the basis of the structured interview process with the client. We prepare you for the interview.


Duration until the interview with the client: Up to 2 weeks

The first meeting with the client is about getting to know each other on an equal footing, getting to know the people and the culture. This takes place in person at the client's location and usually lasts around an hour.

The second interview focuses on professional competencies and leadership issues. You will get to know the team, the strategy and the operational goals.

You will then receive a salary proposal and an overview of the overall offer.


Duration until feedback: 1-2 weeks

A de-briefing with you and the client takes place after the final meeting.

We help you negotiate the contract and clarify further details. The contract is drafted and we support the onboarding process with the client.


Duration until feedback: Up to 1 week

What sets us apart as a leading headhunter?




Star Ratings on Google


years recognized as one of the best executive search firms in Switzerland